r=h11 d1=js14
Ø h6 shank
SOMTA HSS-COBALT Corner Rounding Cutters
SOMTA HSS-CO Corner Rounding Cutters
r d 1 d 2 l 1
1 8 10 60
1.5 9 10 60
2 10 10 60
2.5 11 10 60
3 12 12 60
3.5 13 12 60
4 14 12 60
4.5 15 12 60
5 16 12 70
r d 1 d 2 l 1
6 20 16 70
7 22 16 71
8 24 16 70
9 26 25 85
10 28 25 85
12 34 25 90
14 44 25 100
16 48 25 100
18 54 32 112
20 56 32 112

SOMTA Corner Rounding Cutters are excellent for breaking edges and putting a smooth radius on a part. Known also as radius milling cutters, it is used to make a specific radius on a work piece, or to remove a sharp edge or burr. Except for making a radius, SOMTA Corner Radius Cutters also applicated to work on ramping and surface. Made with HSS-CO8 material and conform to DIN 6518, for milling transitions and radii on edges and slots in almost all materials. SOMTA Corner Radius Milling Cutter comes in universal geometry with concave flute shape, constant-form relief-turned design.

Product attributes

r=h11 d1=js14

r=h11 d1=js14

Ø h6 shank

Ø h6 shank

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